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A member registered Aug 24, 2016

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I think that the routing max lenght should continue as it it's and the execution speed should be the same at all levels, in the end there is people who whould like the create really comples AI, also creating a limit on the AI routine max lenght or changing the execution speed on longer routines will cause people to just create attack only then harvest the resources routines, whereas creating longer routines will allow for more complex solutions, also having the new bots will add much more juice to the routines people will want to create.

I dont know maybe a sniper bot, you might want to create a long routine to scan for enemies carrying resourses and snipe them and only move while no enemies exist or contemplate enemy shield/hp for selecting a tarjet based if an ally is nerby.

There are so many possibilities. I would feel sad If a execution slowdown comes into play although in the end we will find a workaround for that, not sure what the intention is in adding such a feature.

(1 edit)

+1 to this idea, this will preserve the core idea on fighting with strategy and exactly the same bots, rather than adding to many variables.

Thanks for the review, but in my case I'm solely talking about multiplayer in witch case it's a lot different that VS IA. That I can beat with another IA with less steps.

Basically my builds are PVP focused, and this is where the best feedback comes from, now regarding the length of the conditions I tough the same on the redundancy, but due debugging I let them like that so I could see what exactly was happening.

This is no longer working for me on The Seven Wonders PVP map, at the range I'm currently at most of the people look towards attack rather than creating any strategy, I have even seen IAS that solely attack from long range then move once there are no enemies left.

I think that the correct priority order for this map in the range of 900 - 1200 its as follows:

  1. Enemies
  2. Weakest Shield, Weakest Health, Closest enemy
  3. Resource
  4. Enemy with resource
  5. Ally with resource
I haven't seen any IA interested on self checking their Shield/Health, they are mostly attack builds at this range.

(Long Post be warned)

Hi and welcome,

I have been creating a lot of IAS lately and noticed that while playing PVP it's quite hard to create an IAS that can hadle all the possible scenarios, although I'm not saying it's possible but quite tedious and time consuming, also you will need a lot of feedback from the different scenarios.

It's quite more simple to create an IA for an specific scenario, at this moment I'm working and looking towards creating a bot that can handle The Seven Wonders PVP map.

Regarding you'r IA I noticed that you have all the ramifications directly from the source, and since the game evaluates the formula from left to right, top to bottom, you might want to take a look at what you put on the left foremost side of your IA.

I see you have only two validations the one for the healt and the one for the shield, the one with the shield only has 1 action that it's moving away from the enemy if the shield is low and two for attacking based on certain conditions.

I will recommend you to create a sub-tree and add those two self check validation options in one single sub-tree and below that if those conditions are meet, then look towards taking actions and remove the foremost right option to move foward the lowest health enemy, since this will cause your bot to unnecessarily chase.


Add sub-trees on your self check, and below that add conditions then actions. Remove the foremost right action to chase low health enemies.

You can take a look at my deprecated build: Sathura - 0001-0 - Deprecated or follow the conversation on the other thread to get an idea and comment on builds [Strategy] IAS review for PVP.

I've been playing a lot lately and trying to improve my IA program, the one I will share it's the one that I've been using lately, but this one has been deprecated for me.

I also noticed that it's a lot harder to create a "general purpose" IA to fight on all the scenarios, It's more reliable to create an IA for each map.

I'm looking forward your critics and opinions on this IA, also I will try to help you guys on your IAS.

Also I think that the hardest map to fight its The Seven Wonders, any ideas you guys can give are really appreciated, also I will try to create a guide on creating IAS for this specific map.

I noticed that depending on the range of score you're currently in the IAS are quite different.

Sathura - 0001-0 - Deprecated Build


Thanks I will take a look at it, I'm really good at excel part of my everyday job.


Well now that I think of I would like to get the values before the re-haul, too see how exact the data extraction was, also it would be interesting to try to get these values later on the patches.

I will create the Wiki today and let you guys know.

(2 edits)

Well, I tried to create a routine to handle the appendix a) from you'r question, I ended with something like this:

Adictorator - Routine - 0001

I will try to create the same for your other requests. I think it's possible to create all the conditions you're asking for just by using the currently existing conditions, except for the one that tries to handle the edge of the map, but the routines might be a little bit long, but I created some really lengthy routines and it seems this does not affect the execution time.


(1 edit)

(Long Post be warned)

Thanks for the answers Addictorator / Avaren.


It's good to know there's someone else interested on the mechanics of the game.

I get to the same conclusion after some testing, there no exact way to measure the health of the bots, but we can measure the rough
hit points they can receive. I did the exact same test, put a bot on idle and another one attacking I also tried different combinations regarding to distance (to measure accuracy).

It would be cool to see you'r excel data, I made one myself on Google Sheets there is still some information I need to fill and calculate but I will probably make it public so anyone can query the information or maybe even edit.


Thanks for the answers, and the answer in my other post. I will try to create the wiki one of this days I would be glad if you take a look at it also would be quite graceful if gave me you'r help to maintain it or adding content, as soon as I have the wiki up I will let you know.

I'm quite new here and haven't tried all the options on the reply box also I'm not quite sure how to quote posts or people usernames, any help here will be really appreciated.

I will later update this answers on my main post and probably remove them from this one so I can avoid spam on the thread.

Now for the answers to the questions, the values I obtained are available at the original post.

Removed Questions & Answers from this post, to maintain the thread clean.

(2 edits)

Thanks for the answer Avaren, I tried my self after reading this and you're completely right the furthest distance it's absurd, i'm not quite sure if this behavior it's intended or might be patched later on, it would be interesting to know.

(3 edits)

Hi everyone,
I tried to find information regarding the bots stats, but I couldn't find any so I suppose that none has asked for it, I have a few questions and I would like the help of the community to get the answers.

I will try to make some testing myself and find or generate some values based on the testing. Also I will try to update this post based on the results of the tests.

Also I'm interested on creating a Wiki, I wonder if there is anyone else interested.

The questions are the following:

  • Bots
    • What's the size of the bots ?
      • It seems that the bots are 1 tile sized, I also noticed that the sprite its a little bit bigger that the hit box
  • Health
    • Whats the value of the health of the bots ?
      • There is no exact way to measure the health other than rought hit received, the amount of hits required to destroy a bot is
      • 15 hit points
  • Shield
    • Whats the value of the shield of the bots ?
      • There is no exact way to measure the shield other than rought hit received, the amount of hits required to destroy a bot is
      • 10 hit points
    • Whats the value of the cool down before the shield recharges ?
      • Roughly 3 seconds
    • The bot should be taking no damage or reduced damage in order to recharge the shields ?
      • No damage
    • Whats the recharge rate ?
      • Not sure of the recharge rate but it seems somewhere between 3HP/s - 5HP/s
  • Attack
    • Whats the value of the attack damage of the bots ?
      • There is no way to get this value, instead we're using the amount of damage it deals as 1 Hit
    • It's there any value regarding the attack speed ?
      • After some testing, we got to the point where
        • There are 3 shoots per round
        • There are roughly 2 rounds per second
        • After some testing I think this is somewhere between 5HP/s - 6HP/s
    • When the damage it's taken?
      • It's seems, that the damage it's taken (dealt) on hit with the edge of the bot
    • Does distance to the target affects attack speed ?
      • No
    • Being closer to the target increases damage ?
      • No
  • Movement
    • It's there any value regarding the movement speed ?
      • Again, there is no exact way to measure this but using the grid on the floor and after a lot of trials and errors I got to the point of
      • 1 Tile per Second (1Tl/s)
    • It's measured in any kind of units ?
      • Well I suppose we can use Tiles per second, any thoughts, ideas ?
    • I saw that the bots are slower while carrying the resources, it's this intended ?
      • Good to know, and after some testing the speed changes to a half of the speed while carrying a resource
      • Make it .5Tl/s
  • Accuracy
    • Is the accuracy measured directly from the bot ?
      • After some testing I got to the conclusion that the accuracy its measured from the edge of the bot.
    • It's possible to get 100% accuracy at body to body ratio ?
      • Yes, I was able to get 100% accuracy on body to body ratio.
    • The accuracy it's measured from the center of the bot or the edge ?
      • From my calculations and testing, from Edge to Edge.
      • I also noticed that the accuracy it's not based on distance due to the fact that the markers are placed on different distances from the edge of the bot, thus resulting probably on a based formula accuracy

Those are the questions that I currently have, once again I will be making some testing myself and updating this post based on the results.

- Sathura 軍師

01 - Format and Grammar errors
02 - Updated questions, answers and added comments

Just like the title states, is there any limit on the lenght of the routine that I can create, bot vertically and horizontally ?

I have a few ideas for a very complex AI that I used a long time ago for some other games.

Best regards.
